
Disco Pants : Still in or time to Bin?

November 07, 2013

The Original - American Apparel Disco Pants

As if you didn't know, The Disco Pant is back! Regardless of age, size or body shape, it seems like nearly EVERYONE owns a pair. We all know that as soon as something becomes too popular, it tends to inevitably get forgotten... and hidden at the back of our wardrobes (with some of us even pretending we never even bought them in the first place). However, I'm inclined to now think that just like leggings, jeggins and skinny jeans, the Disco Pant is here to stay.... as a staple!

Even though the likes of  ASOS, New Look , Boohoo, and even Primark have jumped on the band wagon, AmericanApparel are the brand to blame for this trend outbreak. 
To be fair, they still make the best quality version, though it pains me that they have gone up from £70 to £74! 

It actually took me a while to convince myself to buy a pair, as I just couldn't bring myself to part with £70 at the time (for what I assumed was a pair of glorified leggings) 
It wasn't till I saw how much use a work colleague of mine got out of them that I caved in and got them. 

The thing with these damn pants is that they are so bloody versatile and SO flattering because they act like a wonder bra for your butt, abs, thighs and legs. You can also wear them with anything for any occasion, as long as they are styled in the right way.
The problem arises when you see them everywhere on every Harry, Dick and Tom and start to think that disco pants have taken over the world.

My other problem is that I'm now seeing them on bean pole teenage girls and wondering whether they are pants I should just not be wearing. Over a year on, I have to admit they are still one of my favourite things to wear.When I get them on, they still look good, still go with lots of things in my wardrobe and can still be worn in a versatile way.

I'm getting most use out of them now as casual wear, matching them with thick knits, t-shirts and  trainers but also feel they are the perfect day to night hero piece as you can instantly dress them up with a pair of heels for the evening.
Part of me actually wishes that people will get sick of them and hide them away so I can carry on wearing mine but I don’t think that will be happening soon. I guess it’s just down to trying to wear them a bit differently so they aren’t instantly recognized from a distance.
What about you guys? Do you own a pair of disco pants? Do you still wear them or do you think it’s time to get rid and bin them for good? 
  Celebs in Disco Pants 

Me ... in Disco pants 
On a night out 

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